Thursday, May 31, 2007

New Album and Some in the Works!

I uploaded the album I put together for my mom's 50th Birthday. It's not my best work ever, but it's sweet and shows a different style and some new ideas.

I also have a couple of projects going. I am working on a 2006 Debutante Album, focusing on the parties and the ball of the local coterie.

Also, I am going to be working with Jess Cumbie Photography to create albums for her clients. I am going to be making a sample album over the next few weeks featuring her work.

And...I am planning to revise my wedding album. It was my 1st ever, and I think I can make it even better now. Plus, I want to order a sample of the flushmount album and I will use my pictures:) Can't hurt to have my own fancy album, right?

Remember - don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions or want a special package. I can customize ANYTHING!

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